Monday, June 15, 2015

June 9 - Home

Well we are back home now.  We were on an American Airlines flight from Dublin to Charlotte, NC on Sunday.  The airplane was only about half full and we had a lot of leg room.  It was the comfortable flight we've had in a long time.  We landed at Charlotte early and were able to get our luggage quickly as we didn't have to go through Customs in the US.  For some odd reason US Customs has set up shop in the Dublin airport so you do your customs declarations and inspections before you get on your flight to the US. Sure makes it easier when you get to the US, as your gate on landing is in the domestic terminal and it is just like you were on a domestic flight.  Drove on down to Columbia, SC and checked into our hotel, got an early dinner and went to bed early.

The next morning we hit the road early, as our clocks were still 5 hours ahead.  We made it home in good time and everything was fine here.  The only problem we had was that on the last days of the tour both Pat and I had picked up colds and when we landed we were both plugged up.  Pat's ears cleared fairly quickly but I'm still fighting mine, particularly my left.

We really enjoyed this trip and would recommend it to anyone.  Ireland is a beautiful country with lots to see and a history that goes back over 5,000 years.. The Passage Tombs that we saw at New Grange and Knowth were something special.  Also being able to walk the fields that my family probably farmed for many generations was very special.  The people were very friendly and helpful, food was very good, beer was excellent and prices were reasonable.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog.  It's been fun writing it and it really helps us organize our photos so that we can remember where we took them.

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