Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16 - Collon & Collon House

Well we were scheduled to fly out of Charlotte with a 6:10 departure, it ended up being more like 8:10, 2 hours late.  The flight was uneventful which is always good.  Our bags showed up as well so all is good.  Our limo driver met us and brought us the the little town of Collon in County Louth about an hour north of Dublin.  We checked into our B&B, Collon House.  Neat place.  Here is a photo of Collon House, it's the ivy covered building on the corner.

Here is the driveway into the property.

And some of the flowers lining the driveway

We will be staying in the North Hall.  Here is a photo of the entrance.

Here is the stairs up to our suite.  It's called the Oriel Suite after a mountain (really a hill) just outside of town.

Here is our sitting room.

Another shot of the sitting room.

Here is the bedroom.

and the other side of the bedroom.

Here is the kitchen and breakfast area

 Some of the gardens on the property.

The town is basically built at a crossroads but the buildings only go north from the intersection for a couple of blocks as shown here.

And east for a couple of blocks.

There are two churches in town.  Here is the Roman Catholic church.

And here is the Church of Ireland (Protestant) church.

This evening we are going out to dinner at a typical Irish pub.  Here is a photo.

That's it for today.  Tomorrow we go to Mass at the church pictured above and then we head out to Corlisbane which is an area just outside of Collon to have lunch with a family that may be our long lost Irish relatives.

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