Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21 - Genealogy Day

No new photos today.  This morning Pat and I walked over to the National Library of Ireland to take a look at the church records that they have on microfilm.  What we found is that trying to go back to the early 19th century is pretty hit and miss and so far it's been mostly miss.  We were able to find marriage records for a number of Moonans but so far we have been unable to connect them to the family tree.

One thing is obvious is that back in the late 18th and early 19th centuries there were a number of Moonan families in the area and trying to connect them together is going to be challenging.

We've been eating well and getting a chance to try different things.  One of the staples of an Irish breakfast is black and white pudding and I didn't have the vaguest idea what they were.  Turns out white pudding is a type of sausage with pork, oatmeal, onions and spices.  Black pudding is the same but with pig's blood added to give it its dark color.  I tried it and it's good but Pat chickened out.  We've also had Irish stew, shepherd's pie, fish and chips, mixed grill (which in Ireland is a large breakfast with eggs and sausage served for dinner) and plaice (similar to flounder).  The typical Irish breakfast is link sausage, black and white pudding, bacon eggs, mushrooms and tea or coffee.   You don' walk away hungry.  Tonight though after five days of eating Irish we ate at an Italian restaurant.

Tomorrow we will be taking the Hop On Hop Off bus tour around the city to see the sites and I should have some photos for you then.

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